Computer Technologies for Schools project. We make the learning environment where less paper is used and parents can monitor the daily progress their child from home. The Computer Technologies for Schools project is a Taleemibaithak project that is source of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) equipment for the public and private sector educational institutions across Afghanistan & Pakistan.
The ICT equipment and software solution is distributed and installed to state and non-government schools across Pakistan according to need. The CTFS project of Taleemibaithak helps school students and their teachers gain greater access and a better understanding of computer technologies at affordable costs. If your school would like to apply for equipment through this project or if you are a government agency or a private sector company and are interested in installing the equipment at your institution, please visit our office or ask of representative for information.
How School across Pakistan and Afghanistan Can you Use these Equipment?
The computers and Information and Communications Technology equipment should be used by schools and associated centers for student learning, support teaching, distance learning, isolated children’s learning, professional development, library, or administrative purposes. There are lots of different and innovative ways to use the equipment. Some examples of the ways Information and Communications Technology equipment donated to schools by the Computer Technologies for Schools project is already being used are:
- In the classroom to support learning
- In the staffroom to support teachers
- As printer server;
- As email terminals to avoid kids tying up more powerful computers with email;
- Use them with thin client software
- As a class project as an exercise in upgrading (good technical training);
- As a play network to let students set up and run a network;
- Understanding Quran in an interactive way
- As text entry devices (again to free up more powerful devices) in areas such as publishing, journalism etc;
- As dedicated hardware (eg data logging, process control);
- In the staff room for internet access, email, and other uses such as timetable
- As common room computer kiosks